Steven Wilson Special Internet Radio Show

Starting March 5, 2003, "Progtastic Radio" will be broadcasting a series of weekly special shows featuring music from Steven Wilson's different projects. This will be one of the first shows to play a mixture of the varied scope of SW's music, ranging from atmospheric landscapes through jazzy/rock tunes to heavy metal rock. John Comisky and Motti Gini will include in their show music by Porcupine Tree, No-Man, IEM, Bass Communion, and collaboration projects such as: JBK, Fish, Opeth, Blackfield, and OSI, to name a few.
The same 1.5 hour long show will be broadcast weekly, twice on Wednesdays and three times on Saturdays at different hours, so that fans from all over the world can go online and listen to the music. The broadcast hours are as follows:

For American cities:
Wednesdays at 10:00 pm EST / 7:00 pm PST
Saturdays at 8:00 pm EST / 5:00 pm PST

For European, African and Middle-Eastern countries:
Wednesdays at 8:00 pm GMT / 22:00 Jerusalem Time
Saturdays at 6:00 pm GMT / 20:00 Jerusalem Time

For Eastern Asia and Oceania countries:
Saturdays (only) at 6:00 pm Tokyo Time / 10:00 pm Auckland Time

To listen to the show go to or click on the banner. Once at the station's homepage, click the "play" button and follow the on-screen listening instructions (check the "Broadcast Schedule" tab for your local time). The setup is very easy to follow and absolutely free!!
So tune-in, lean back, kick your shoes off and… let the music take you…

(2003, photograph used by kind permission of Joe Del-Tufo)